Monday, December 15, 2014

Of Crimes against Property

Forgery is a serious crime as is counterfeiting. Oliver Maxwell Canby has claimed possession of a graduation certificate from the University High School in Los Angeles, California. This claim has been rightly questioned based on it's early issue and consequent investigation has revealed that no such true certificate was issued in the name of the accused. This is in clear violation of Title 13 Chapter 4 Section 470 of the penal code, with the document forged identified under section 470 (d) as "falsifies the acknowledgment of any notary public". University High School certificates include a seal within the meaning of section 472 which adds to the issue canvassed, as does section 483.5 as the certificate also serves as an identifying document with government qualifications. Under section 483.5 the certificate is deemed deceptive.

Section 471.5 identifies any attempt to modify any medical record as a misdemeanor. On four separate occasions, Oliver Maxwell Canby has without any authorization countered legitimate diagnosis results of Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The most recent instance of this misdemeanor was against public personality Susan Boyle.

Larceny covers a number of offenses under Title 13 Chapter 5 Section 502 (c) of the penal code. Oliver Maxwell Canby has committed several. He has knowingly accessed without permission and used data to execute a scheme to deceive and wrongfully control data (sub section (1)), knowingly accessed without permission and taken, copied and made use of data from a computer network (sub section (2)), knowingly and without permission used a computer service (sub section (3)) and knowingly and without permission used a computer service. In each instance a website is involved that includes data, and said website has banned the accused from accessing it. He persisted, violating these sections.

Section 502 (e) allows for the victim to make claims for damages as well as injunctive relief in addition to any other civil relief available. As previously mentioned, the victim is taking civil action. Section 502 (g) requires the impounding of the computer of the accused. No claim can be made under Section 502 (h) as the accused is not employed and as the victim is taking civil action damage has been done presumably.

Investigations have revealed that Oliver Maxwell Canby is also guilty of violating Title 13 Chapter 8 Section 528.5 of the penal code by credibly impersonating three other parties under the guise of another identity known only as "Aspie Hater". For credibility the accused also impersonated himself. Six witnesses have issued statements that they believed the impersonations to be genuine until such time as the three victims stated their innocence in strong and persuasive terms. The accused attempted to shift the blame to his guise before deleting everything. This I believe prevented actual prosecution of the matter.

In the above instances, Title 1 Section 25 (a) prevents any claim to diminished capacity.

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